Our 2024 CD5
DFLers across the state gather every two years to decide what the DFL stands for and who the DFL supports. As part of this process each congressional district gathers in early May to conduct their caucus conventions.
CD5 2024 Caucus Convention
11am May 11th 2024
Minneapolis South Highschool
3131 19th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Summary of Convention
The DFL Official Call outlines 16 business items that every congressional district convention must complete. The following are these items and the results of elections where applicable.
1. Call to Order
The congressional district chair or their designee will serve as convener to call the convention to order at the designated time and preside until a convention chair is elected.
2. Reading of the Affirmative Action, Outreach, and Inclusion Statement.
This must be the first order of business. The Affirmative Action, Outreach, and Inclusion Reminder shall also be read before elections
3. Delegate Seating and Credentials Challenges.
All registered delegates and eligible alternates on the temporary roll shall be seated. The convention shall resolve all challenges to the seating of delegates and alternates immediately following the initial report of the credentials committee. The only possible grounds for such challenges are whether the election of a delegate, alternate, and/ or delegation was improper under DFL party rules; or whether the challenged party is ineligible to serve in the capacity to which they were elected. Credentials challenges are resolved according to the procedures found in the Challenges section on page 29 of this Call. The resolution of all credentials challenges establishes the permanent roll of delegates and alternates to the convention.
4. Election of Convention Chair(s)
The convenor shall conduct the election of one or more convention chairs, with equal division by gender identity. The convenor will open nominations and, if a delegate to the convention, may nominate any person(s) invited by unit leadership to serve as chair(s). Further nominations may be made from the floor. Unless the convention determines otherwise, it may elect up to two co-chairs. Any uncontested election may be conducted by voice vote (acclamation). Contested elections shall be conducted by written ballot.
5. Agenda and Rules
The general rules for conducting all DFL meetings are in the DFL Rule Book. The temporary agenda and rules shall govern the convention until it adopts the permanent agenda and rules by a majority vote. Once adopted, the permanent agenda and rules may be suspended or amended by a two-thirds vote of the convention.
6. Delegation Co-Chairs
Delegation co-chairs will assist with upgrading alternates, conducting roll call votes, and distributing written ballots during the convention. Each organizing unit’s delegation should have elected two delegation co-chairs prior to the congressional district convention. Any delegation with one or more co-chairs absent shall elect at least one delegation chair for the day from among its delegates present at the congressional district convention. The names of the delegation chairs shall be reported promptly to the convention secretary.
7. Congressional District Constitution Changes
The convention must consider, but need not adopt, proposals to amend or repeal the congressional district constitution. However, if the congressional district has new boundaries, the old constitution is not valid. A congressional district which does not adopt or repeals its congressional district constitution shall be governed by the default provisions of the State DFL Constitution and Bylaws.
8. U.S. House Candidate Endorsement
Convention endorsed candidate
Ilhan Omar
The convention shall consider the endorsement of a candidate for the United States House of Representatives.
9. Party Officer Elections
Scott Graham (M)
Vice Chair
Teresa Coryell House (F)
Cyndi Bennett Lee (F)
Outreach Officer
Farah Habad (M)
Deputy Outreach Officer
Jessica Allen (F)
Communications Officer
Bonnie Jude (F)
Jessica Swiontek (F)
Paul Schulte (M)
Larry Nelson (M)
Larry Etkin (M)
Aaron Paul Keith (M)
Helen Worku (F)
Michael Smith (M)
Susan Herder (F)
Bernard Robinson (M)
Ladonna Meinecke (F)
Corey Vest (M)
Aaron Paul Keith(M)
(2-year term, 2024-26): Under the proposed convention rules CD5 Chair, Vice Chair, Outreach positions, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Officer require screening with the Nominations Committee. Nominations from the convention floor from individuals who have not screened with Nominations will be ruled out of order.
· Chair: Chief executive officer of CD5. Convenes regular meetings. Represents CD5 on the DFL State Executive Committee.
· Vice Chair: Aids the Chair as needed and fulfills duties of Chair in their absence. Represents CD5 on the State Executive Committee.
· Outreach & Inclusion Officer*: Promotes increased access and participation of traditionally and currently underrepresented communities.
· Deputy Outreach & Inclusion Officer*: Assists the Outreach & Inclusion Officer, leads special O&I projects, and fulfills the duties of the O&I Officer when needed.
· Secretary: Keeps meeting minutes and other records of the organization and coordinates with the Communications Officer on internal communications.
· Treasurer: Manages party funds and accounts and files all required campaign finance reports.
· Communications Officer: Manages communications, including social media, website, and press releases. Coordinates with the Secretary on internal communications.
· CD5 Director: Lead projects, serve on committees, and fulfill other duties or roles as needed. (12 to 19 positions, no more than two per Senate District)
* (Pending title change from Affirmative Action Officer)
10. State Central Committee Elections
CD5 State Central Committee members:
Larry Etkin (M)
Nick Kruse (M)
Karl Gamradt (M)
Bernard Robinson (M)
Susan Herder (F)
Julie Wicklund (F)
Georgianna Yantos (F)
The convention shall elect seven State Central Committee members, with no alternates. Their duties are described in the State DFL Constitution. The State Central Committee members elected by the congressional disturct will ensure representation within the DFL Party and further the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within those communities that are historically underrepresented. To achieve this goal, at least 5 of the 7 members elected at each district convention shall be members of at least one of the following communities: people of color, LGBTQ+, seniors, youth, farmers, labor, veterans, and persons living with disabilities.
11. State Standing Committee Members
Outreach & Inclusion Committee
Larry Nelson (M)
Avery Bowes (F)
Constitution Bylaws & Rules Committee
Cyndi Bennett Lee (F)
Josh Martin (M)
Party Affairs & Coordinated Campaign
Michael Abramson (M)
Susan Herder (F)
Platform Issues & Leg. Affairs Committee
Karl Gamradt (M)
Claudia Daml (F)
Budget Committee
Cheryl Scott (F)
Nominations Committee
Jettie Ann Hill (F)
Bernard Robinson (M)
John Keller (M)
Briana Rose Lee (M)
The convention shall elect the following State DFL standing committee members: • 1 member of the Budget Committee (from among the district treasurer and State Central Committee members and alternates that reside within the district) • 2 members of the Outreach and Inclusion Committee • 2 members of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee • 2 members of the Platform and Issues Committee • 2 members of the Party Affairs and Coordinated Campaign Committee • 4 members of the Nominations and Search Committee Elections of two or more members to a state standing committee shall achieve equal division by gender identity. Committee members need not be state convention delegates or alternates. The duties of each standing committee are defined under Article VII, Section 6, State DFL Constitution and Bylaws. The term of office is for two years beginning at the adjournment of the first State Central Committee meeting following the 2024 State Convention until the adjournment of the first State Central Committee meeting following the 2026 State Convention.
12. State Convention Committee Members
State convention credentials and rules committees
Email chair@cd5dfl.org for names of committee members
The convention will elect two persons, not of the same gender identity, to serve as members and two persons, not of the same gender identity, to serve as alternates on the credentials and rules committees of the state convention. NOTE: The congressional district central committee will elect these members before May 18 if the convention will not meet prior to that date. State convention committee members and alternates must be either delegates or alternates to the state convention. The congressional district chair must give each state convention committee member and alternate a signed statement of election to take to the initial committee meeting. That statement can be in the form of a single, signed list. State convention committee members must be prepared to work at least on May 18 – 19 in order to prepare their reports. Each committee will decide how much additional time it needs to complete committee work.
13. Presidential Elector
Presidential Elector
Elizer Darris (M)
Alternate Elector
Georgianna Yantos (F)
The convention shall elect one Presidential Elector and one alternate Presidential Elector, not of the same gender identity, for the congressional district. All congressional district convention delegates and upgraded alternates are eligible to vote in the election of Presidential Elector and alternate Presidential. Each half-vote congressional district convention delegate is entitled to cast a half vote when electing Presidential Elector and alternate Presidential Elector. a. Eligibility. Candidates for Presidential Elector and alternate Presidential Elector must live in the congressional district and be at least 18 years old and eligible to vote by November 5, 2024. b. Pledge. Presidential Elector and alternate Presidential Elector candidates must certify in writing that they will vote for the election of the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. Elector and alternate elector candidates must pledge: “If selected for the position of elector, I agree to serve and to mark my ballots for president and vice president for the nominees for those offices of the party that nominated me.”
14. National Convention Delegates
Isaac Winkler (M)
Shivanthi Sathanandan (F)
Latonya Reeves (F)
Elizer Darris (M)
Alfred Walking Bull (NB)
Jamie Edwards (M)
Meryem Maameri (F)
Sheigh Freeberg (M)
Dan Engelhart (M)
The convention shall elect Democratic National Convention delegates. National Convention alternates shall not be elected at the congressional district convention. The number of delegates to be elected is given on page 23 in the National Delegate Selection Plan Summary section of this Call. These delegates will be elected in accordance with the rules contained in the National Delegate Selection Plan. Delegates are not permitted to change their previously declared candidate preference unless the person they selected is no longer a candidate. Uncommitted delegates may choose to make a candidate preference declaration, but they may not change preferences after that declaration unless the person they selected is no longer a candidate. All congressional district convention delegates and upgraded alternates are eligible to vote in the election of National Convention delegates. Each half-vote congressional district convention delegate is entitled to cast a half vote when electing National Convention delegates. Eligibility. Democratic National Convention district-level delegate candidates must live in the congressional district and be at least 18 years old and eligible to vote by November 5, 2024. Delegate candidates must file a signed 2024 Democratic National Convention Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support Form (page A-5) with the congressional district convention chair no later than two hours before the election of Democratic National Convention delegates at the congressional district convention. Additional rules related to presidential candidate right of approval, fair reflection of presidential preference, and equal division of district-level delegates can be found on pages 22 – 23 of the National Delegate Selection Plan Summary section of this Call.
15. State Director Elections
State Directors
Briana Rose Lee (F)
Sam Doten (NB)
There are two State Directors elected from each congressional district. Their duties are described in the State DFL Constitution and Bylaws. The State Directors will be elected to ensure representation of communities within the DFL Party and to further the goals of affirmative action, outreach, and inclusion within those communities.
16. Adjournment
The convention shall not adjourn until all required business has been completed.